......Painting for me is the best form to express themselves, our feelings, accept all that the outside world gives us and try to simplify it, make it fun what we observe, give color
and form to express our inner world.
My first inspiration is the work of the Impressionists, as well as art Naif ', the folk art.
Paint themes of nature, landscapes, scenes in general, flowers, animals, abstract compositions.
Not only that, last year I focused on the theme of the woman who has always been a source of competition for the greatest artists.
I dedicate myself to oil paint, using new experimental techniques, mixing classical techniques with modern techniques. Painting is for me is "life adventure", the possibility of self-discovery
and self-realization and I am very happy that I can
share all this with others.
Anna Zygmunt
48. CRINGED, year 2012, oil canvas, cm.60 (H) 80 (W).
49. BLUENUDE, year 2012, oil canvas, cm.40 (H) 70 (W).
50. FRIVOLOUS, year 2012, oil canvas, cm.60 (H) 80 (W).
51. HEAVENLY BEING, year 2012, oil canvas, cm.40 (H) 70 (W).
52. NAVYBLUE ABSTRACT, year 2012, oil canvas, cm.60 (H) 50 (W).
53. STORMY HEAVEN, year 2012, oil canvas, cm.40 (H) 70 (W).
54. HEAVEN, year 2012, oil canvas, cm.50 (H) 80 (W).
55. ABSTRACT DISCOVERY3, year 2012, oil canvas, cm.40 (H) 70 (W).
56. ORANGE ANGEL, year 2012, oil canvas, cm.50 (H) 60 (W).
57. ABSTRACT CALEIDOSCOPE, year 2012, oil canvas, cm.40 (H) 70 (W).
...... Schilderen is voor mij de beste vorm om zich te uiten, onze gevoelens, accepteer alles wat de
buitenwereld geeft ons en proberen om het te vereenvoudigen, maken het leuk wat we waarnemen, geven kleuren vormen naar onze innerlijke wereld uit te drukken.Mijn eerste inspiratie is het werk
van de impressionisten, evenals kunst Naif ', de volkskunst.Schilderen thema's van natuur, landschappen, scènes in het algemeen, bloemen, dieren, abstracte composities.Niet alleen dat, vorig jaar
heb ik me gericht op het thema van de vrouw, die altijd al een bron van concurrentie voor de grootste kunstenaars.Ikzelf wijden aan olieverf, met behulp van nieuwe experimentele technieken, het
mengen klassieke technieken met moderne technieken. Schilderen is voor mij is "life avontuur", de mogelijkheid van zelf-ontdekking en zelf-realisatie en ik ben erg blij dat ik kandelen dit alles
met anderen.
........Dipingere per me è la forma
migliore per esprimere se stessi, i propri sentimenti, accettare tutto ciò che il mondo esterno
ci dà e cercare di semplificarlo, rendere divertente ciò che osserviamo, dare colore e forma per esprimere il nostro mondo interiore.
La mia prima ispirazione è l'opera degli impressionisti, così come l'arte Naif ', l'arte popolare.
Dipingo temi della natura, paesaggi, scene in generale, fiori, animali, composizioni astratte.
Non solo, l'anno scorso mi sono concentrata sul tema della donna che è sempre stata fonte di competizione per i più grandi artisti.
Mi dedico alla pittura ad olio, utilizzando nuove tecniche sperimentali, miscelando tecniche classiche con tecniche
La pittura è per me "avventura della vita", la possibilità di auto-scoperta e di auto-realizzazione e sono molto felice di posso condividere
tutto questo con gli altri.
Anna Zygmunt